
4 Ways to Reduce Summer Caregiving Fatigue

4 Ways to Reduce Summer Caregiving Fatigue

Summer with my family is a nice break from all the school year hustle and bustle. It’s a time to slow down and enjoy more family time. Then again, summer brings its own challenges. Here are some tricks I’ve learned in the past few years that help me stay mentally in a better place for a peaceful summer day.

Thanks for That (I Think)

Thanks for That (I Think)

Whether you have typically developing children or children with special needs, there are others who seem to have an answer for why your child is misbehaving, not talking or walking on time, or a myriad of other developmental or behavioral issues. All along the way, we tried to employ a few simple words and thoughts that helped us get through those “suggestions,” that may help you, too.

Balance is a Myth

Balance is a Myth

Even though there is no such thing as balance, there is such a thing as balancing, so that we can honor the fact that there is a time for everything. Balancing requires us to work smart, understand and create time for our priorities, and practice peace.