
Post Tenebras Lux Series Finale: Is He Worthy?

Post Tenebras Lux Series Finale: Is He Worthy?

I began writing this series, Post Tenebras Lux, for the purpose of offering the only thing I have to give those who are weary, grieving, and hopeless, including myself: hope. I have learned that when someone is processing through grief and trials, it is good to let them say whatever it is they need to say without offering immediate answers. This song feels very much like a therapeutic biblical counseling session, where the celebrant is asking the congregation questions of how they feel and what they desire.

Hope In The Dark

Hope In The Dark

In one of our workshops, I ask the participants what their breaking point is and go on to share about a time when I had personally reached my breaking point. I find myself reflecting back on this moment, as I am again struggling with health issues and hovering on the brink of exhaustion, and vacillating between hopeful and overwhelmed as I consider all that needs to be done in so many areas of life.

When Christmas Isn't Calm and Family Quilts are Torn

When Christmas Isn't Calm and Family Quilts are Torn

As I've been meditating on the stress in my own family this Christmas, an image of an old quilt rose up in my mind. It hit me how very quilt-like special needs families can be. We're patched together with several different colors and patterns, and our beautifully vibrant family quilts can get pretty messy, especially at Christmas-time.

To The Mom Who Is Broken

To The Mom Who Is Broken

An older woman shared with us that through the process of raising her special-needs son, she became broken. Her old self died. She was no longer the same woman that she used to be. While there was a death of her old self, the person she has become is so much more.