Inclusion and mainstreaming have long been a back and forth quandary for classrooms and school, but what about family functions and social life issues? Cindi and Joe Ferrini offers seven ways they try to give their son some social life experiences to “fit in” that may work for your family too, just in time for holiday gatherings.
Building Faith in God to Endure Even More
This year has required endurance. There were many stressors in 2020 that individually would have been difficult enough for most people. There have been several events this year that have led me to cry out for things to be different, normal, or better. Yet in prayer, I have felt God ask me one question: Are you ready to endure even more?
A Strategy for the New Year: Remain in Him
I recently spent some time in the book of John and read anew the verses where Jesus asks us to remain in Him. In John 15:4, Jesus says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” As the waves of 2020 crashed against me, they tossed me out of my remaining posture. Time and again I found myself worried, questioning, and lamenting outside of the vine where I was to remain.