Mental Health

Traveling Light

Traveling Light

Learning to travel light took many years of practice. Then I found out that I not only needed to travel light on the outside, but on the inside as well. I discovered that darkness and heaviness on the inside would leave me with mental and emotional challenges. I would become weighted down from the load, unable to think or feel clearly. As we rely on Him, He not only tells us what to carry, He also enables us to do so.

Special Needs In Real Life

Special Needs In Real Life

One of the reasons why Illuminate - Inclusion Fusion Live 2020 is the largest disability ministry conference in the United States is because it addresses real life with special needs. But our desire is that this conference will address questions that maybe you haven’t been able to ask anywhere else.

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

There has never been a day I grieved my children. Still, deep in my heart, there is this grief. Please hear me when I say my children are a joy. They are the reason I have found my calling. But today, I want you to learn from my experience what the parents of special needs children may be feeling in your church, and how you can help.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Steps for Youth Ministry

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Steps for Youth Ministry

“Adverse Childhood Experiences” is the new focus of clinical mental health and psychology. At its essence, research has found a high correlation between childhood trauma and environmental instability that leads to numerous mental health, medical, social, academic, and career problems. It is evident that part of the solution needs to be with the Church, specifically youth ministry. Here are some ideas.

The State of Autism: Five Takeaways and Four Action Steps

The State of Autism: Five Takeaways and Four Action Steps

Last month, I was invited to attend the Autism Speaks Thought Leadership Summit on Achieving Health Equity in Washington, DC. Much like Inclusion Fusion Live, it was one of those conferences where your mind is filled to overflow with information, generation of new ideas and new people you’d like to collaborate with on your work. Here are five takeaways and four action steps for churches and families.

A New Thing!

A New Thing!

As we start out the new year, I can’t help but wonder what new thing God wants to do in our lives?! Praise Jesus that He is the God of new things. Don’t let a difficult past determine your current and future identity. Praise the Lord; He says He will do something new. We have to let Him.

Mental Illness, Christianity and Cultural Sensitivity

Mental Illness, Christianity and Cultural Sensitivity

Is it appropriate for licensed counselors to incorporate Christianity into counseling practices at all? The counselor’s code of ethics is about imposing your beliefs on others. But if a client comes in with Christian values or is wanting to incorporate faith at any capacity into the counseling treatment, everything changes.

Takeaways from the White House Mental Health Summit

Takeaways from the White House Mental Health Summit

Several weeks ago, Dr. Grcevich wrote about his experience at the White House Mental Health Summit on December 19, 2019. We wanted to give our readers, especially church and ministry leaders, an opportunity to view the video transcripts of the event, and to learn for themselves how their church can be part of the growing efforts to support individuals and families living with mental illness.

Ten disability ministry trends to watch in the 2020s

Ten disability ministry trends to watch in the 2020s

I'll share a non-exhaustive list of ten predictions for how the disability ministry field might evolve and grow over the next ten years.

Preparing for Emotional Triggers

Preparing for Emotional Triggers

As you read the list of emotional eating triggers, which ones cause you to struggle most? Why these? Is there something that you need to do about them? What is your emotional health trying to tell you? Are you listening to what your soul needs?