Due to ongoing Coronavirus/COVID-19 conditions, #IFL2020 has been canceled. We invite you to save the date for next year: April 16-17, 2021. Details to come.
April 24 – 25, 2020 || Cleveland, Ohio
Inclusion Fusion Live 2020
People from around the country will come together for two days to be encouraged and equipped to better serve the families who attend their churches! This disability ministry conference is for ministry leaders, families, and those in disability care fields.
The Key Ministry team was drawn to the idea of serving as a light to draw attention to the urgent need for more churches to become intentional in their ministry with children and adults with disabilities. We were led to select Illuminate as the theme of our 2020 conference. We’re hopeful #IFL2020 will reflect the spirit of Ephesian 5:13-14:
But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light.
Choose a FAMILY TRACK ticket if you are interested in our family-focused workshops. A MINISTRY TRACK ticket will give you the option to select from over 50 workshops representing ministry-focused and family-focused topics. Either ticket will give you access to all main stage presentations including our featured speakers, numerous quick takes (TEDTalk style presentations), and worship. Early bird pricing is available; please see registration form for details. Click here for a description of your breakout session options.
Looking to take a deeper-dive into one of three important subject areas? Add a MINISTRY INTENSIVE to your registration form.
We look forward to welcoming you to Bay Presbyterian Church, on the shores of Lake Erie, this April.
Featured Speakers
Steve Biondo – President of the Tim Tebow Foundation
Stephen Grcevich, MD – President & Founder, Key Ministry
Barbara J. Newman – Church Services Director, All Belong Center for Inclusive Education
Stephanie Hubach – Research Fellow in Disability Ministries, Covenant Theological Seminary
Kelly Rosati, JD – Child Advocacy Innovator, Author, Speaker, Co-Founder of Focus on the Family’s “Wait No More” adoption program
Meet Our Speakers
{click here to see what they’re presenting and click here to learn more about them}
Jermine Alberty
Deb Abbs
James Achilles
Vinnie Adams
Tara Bertic
Jerry & Joan Burton
Kim Botto
Catherine Boyle
Shawnda Boysel
Sarah Broady
Amberle Brown
Lee Burtman
Joe Butler
Jane Cawley
Sarah Cawley
Tasha Chapman
Wayne Chasteen
PJ Crouch
Tiffany Crow
Becky Davidson
Rebekah Dyer
John Felageller
Joe & Cindi Ferrini
Mona Fuerstenau
David Glover
Beth Golik
Melanie Gomez
Lamar Hardwick
Sarah Harriman
Kerri-Ann Hayes
Brad Hoefs
Jennifer Hollenberger
Stephanie C. Holmes
Stephen “Doc” Hunsley
Bergina Isbell
Larry Jamieson
Lisa Jamieson
Rebecca Jefferson
Michelle Maris
Lisa Mattheiss
Katie Matthews
Jim McCaffrey
Jonathan & Sarah McGuire
Jillian Palmiotto
Sandra Peoples
Jolene Philo
Christine Pierce
Tammy Ross
Shannon Royce
Ron Sandison
Evana Sandusky
Matthew Schneider
TyiaLynn Scott
Lori Sealy
Dawn Skaggs
Jeremy Smith
Linda Starnes
Tom Stolle
Mitzi VanCleve
Rebecca Wall
Jennifer White
Janet Williams
Ryan Wolfe
Laura Lee Wright
Schedule & Pricing
Friday, April 24
8:30am – All Conference Gathering
9:30am – Breakout Session #1 or Ministry Intensive Part 1 of 3**
11:00am – Breakout Session #2 or Ministry Intensive Part 2 of 3**
12:15pm – Lunch Break* or Ministry Intensive Part 3 of 3**
1:45pm – Breakout Session #3
3:15pm – Breakout Session #4
4:45pm – Dinner Break (dozens of food options available within 5 miles of campus)
6:15pm – All Conference Gathering
7:45pm – Breakout Session #5
9:00pm – Programming ends
Ministry Track Ticket: $89 (Early Bird pricing = $49 by Dec. 31, $59 by Jan. 31, $69 by Feb. 29, $79 by Mar. 31)
Family Track Ticket: $29 (Early Bird pricing = $19 by Feb. 29)
Ministry Intensive (add-on to Ministry Track Ticket or Family Track Ticket): $69
Saturday, April 25
8:30am – All Conference Gathering
9:30am – Breakout Session #6
11:00am – Breakout Session #7
12:15pm – Lunch Break*
1:45pm – Breakout Session #8
3:15pm – All Conference Gathering
3:45pm – Conference Ends
*Optional lunch available for purchase on registration form.
**The Ministry Intensives are a deeper dive into one of three subject areas and are available to add to your registration form for an additional fee (which includes a catered lunch). The Ministry Intensive time slot is 9:30am – 1:30pm on Friday.
Ministry Intensives
One in five children and adults in the U.S. experience a significant mental health condition at any given time. Few churches have a plan for welcoming and including families affected by mental illness. In this intensive, attendees will be given the necessary tools and resources for formulating a church-wide mental health inclusion strategy. We will highlight strategies being used by churches throughout the U.S. doing mental health ministry with excellence. Presenters: Stephen Grcevich, MD, Catherine Boyle & other special guests. Everyone who registers for this intensive will be provided a copy of Dr. Grcevich’s book, Mental Health and the Church and encouraged to review the key ideas presented in advance of the Intensive.
Has God called you or your church to start a Special Needs Ministry, but you don’t know where to begin? Whether you are a small church or a large one, this workshop will answer the questions of how, what, and why. You will learn the steps to take from learning the theology of Disability Ministry to how to get senior leadership on board. You will fill your toolbox with how to: deal with different types of behaviors, recruit and train volunteers, understand the different classroom environments as well as curriculum options available, help your ministry to become outward focused, and help your church become an inclusive place for those with special needs. Presenters: Stephen ‘Doc’ Hunsley & Beth Golik
The Ministry Worker’s Guide to PTSD examines the profound effects of unresolved childhood trauma throughout a person’s life.This intensive begins by defining trauma and PTSD. It then takes a deep dive into causes of trauma, its symptoms throughout life, and how trauma affects brain function and physical health. Participants will become acquainted with the Intensive Trauma Response (ITR) Model and learn about treatment models and prevention strategies. The impact of trauma of faith development will be discussed, and those attending will create an action plan for their ministry. Presenter: Jolene Philo.
Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor at IFL2020
Reach hundreds of people as a sponsor or exhibitor at Illuminate: Inclusion Fusion Live 2020. Please click here for information on the levels and benefits of sponsorship, advertising opportunities, exhibitor space, or to be a Key Ministry supporter.
Bay Presbyterian Church is in a western suburb of Cleveland, overlooking Lake Erie: 25415 Lake Road, Bay Village, OH 44140.
Free Parking.
Nearest airports: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (9 miles) and Akron Canton Airport (61 miles).
Courtyard Cleveland Westlake (25050 Sperry Drive, Westlake, OH 44145) is one mile from Bay Presbyterian Church.
Book through this link for the conference rate of $99/night (must book by March 23 to receive conference rate).