Special Needs family

Staying On Course When the Path Disappears (Practical Advice for Parenting Adults with IDD)

Staying On Course When the Path Disappears (Practical Advice for Parenting Adults with IDD)

“Parenting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can be a lot like driving with a “that’s-so-2000’s” Garmin. The best information we have ultimately feels utterly inadequate.” Steph Hubach

What to do Even When We Don’t Want To

What to do Even When We Don’t Want To

Watching the news and seeing trials and challenges on many levels we’ve come to understand that until “it” happens to us, it’s often not important. People in leadership (politicians, leaders making rules, business owners running businesses, and parents raising children) will all make decisions that affect others but until it affects them….it won’t always be seen as important or necessary to consider other options of how to engage, care, or help. Cindi Ferrini writes on what do even when we don’t want to…