Coronavirus grief in kids is real. While we may wish this wasn’t the case, we can do much better than merely wishing away our kids' coronavirus grief. We can come alongside our children, and help them process the grief and mourn their losses in these six simple and profound ways.
The Two Phases of Lockdown for Special Needs Families
As I see it, there are two distinct phases of coronavirus lockdown: the phase where you are waiting for things to get back to normal, and the phase where you let go of all previous “normal,” and begin to build what will be next. Here are some specific new things that have become helpful and strange provisions in this place.
Creating Precious Memories in Difficult Times
Parenting a child with additional needs or disabilities can be hectic, a bit overwhelming too, with so much to juggle, so much unpredictability and so many battles to fight, especially in these difficult times. So when precious moments come along, it is important to cherish them, enjoy them, to squeeze every single drop of joy out of them, a bit like we did with a very special moment a while ago.
Five Things to Help Heal from Grief
You used to have motivation to do all the things, to tackle the challenges, to meet the needs, to love others well in a peaceful way. Now you feel sad, angry, grumpy, tense, or unmotivated. So, what is going on? What has changed? Why are you struggling? I’m seeing it strongly right now in the general population with the Coronavirus stay-at-home orders. Why?