
My Back-to-School List

My Back-to-School List

The first day of school for my children is marked on our August calendar. Back to school means I have several preparations to make. While the children need many physical supplies, I need to pray about and look to God to help me with the things I need.

Weak Made Strong In The Savior's Love

Weak Made Strong In The Savior's Love

I thought a lot about Jack, whether he had gained anything at all from his time at Spring Harvest, whether he had been impacted by any of the spiritual program in his sessions. Had he just been child-minded, busying himself with his Jenga wooden blocks, or had something more than that reached him? A few weeks later, I got the answer to my questions.

How To Stop Feeling Like the Worst Mom in the World

How To Stop Feeling Like the Worst Mom in the World

This morning, as I planned for the day, I saw that my son’s physical therapist would be coming to the house this afternoon. This morning there was a moment when I felt like a failure, but that feeling quickly passed. I remembered how several years back, that feeling often lingered with me for days at a time, but not anymore.