Ministries of Interest


@ConnectedChild ‏ Empowered to Connect is an organization offering parent training designed specifically for adoptive and foster parents. The training relies heavily on the Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) model developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and her colleagues at the Texas Christian University Institute of Child Development. The training is taught from a Christian perspective and focuses on a wide range of topics and issues relevant to adoptive and foster parents, including helping parents understand the impact of their child’s history, what they themselves bring to the parent-child relationship, the fundamentals of attachment, the impact of fear, and the importance of meeting their child’s sensory processing, nutritional and other physiological needs.

@FocusFamily ‏ Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. Through their Wait No More events, they raise awareness of and recruit adoptive families for children and youth in foster care. Recognizing the challenges adoptive families can face, we also provide best-in-class post-placement resources for adoptive families. They offer a one-time complimentary consultation from a Christian perspective, and maintain a nationwide referral network of Christian counselors and mental health professionals.

@4FreshHope ‏ The Fresh Hope movement began in 2009 as a Christian support group for persons who suffer from mental illness and their loved ones. In 2007, Pastor Brad Hoefs felt called to start a faith-based support group. He searched for materials that would help him start and lead such a group from a Biblical, hope-filled point of view, with no success. With support and encouragement from his doctor, Pastor Brad developed six faith-based, Biblical tenets (principles) for those who have mental health issues and their loved ones. As of this update, groups are operating in 25 states and five countries, and specialized groups are being developed for teens with mental health concerns.

@Hope4HurtKids ‏ Hope 4 Hurting Kids exists to help young people who are experiencing hurt, trauma or adversity find hope and healing. The ministry was originally launched by children’s ministry leader and blogger Wayne Stocks to help teach and equip people to help kids deal with the trauma of family disruption. The mission was later expanded to include children who were not from disrupted homes but were still dealing with hardship in their lives.

@Hope4MH Hope for Mental Health represents the mental health ministry of Saddleback Church. They offer a Hope for Mental Health starter kit for churches, trainings for churches seeking to start a mental health inclusion ministry and have hosted several large conferences calling attention to the need to more effectively address mental health issues in the church.

@HopeHealingCI The Hope and Healing Institute is involved in the development of resources, programs, and supportive services that strengthen the physical, mental, spiritual, and relational health of families and individuals from birth through elder-hood. Work in the Institute is focused around four research initiatives:  Child and Adolescent Wellbeing; Building Healthy Families and Relationships; Successful Aging & Later Life; Promoting Mental Health and Recovery.

@KeyMinistry ‏ Key Ministry promotes meaningful connection between churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our ministry was founded to help churches minister to families of children with “hidden disabilities” – We find ourselves uniquely called and positioned to serve churches seeking to become more intentional and effective in ministry with children, teens and adults impacted by mental illness, trauma and developmental disabilities and their families.

@mhgracealliance ‏ The Grace Alliance is a Christian mental health recovery and support organization that provides resources, support groups, and training to pastors and community leaders so they can help those affected by mental illness. They offer several types of church-based education and support groups. Grace Groups for individuals with mental illness and family groups are organized around a structured curriculum.