
A Pathway No One Knew Was There

A Pathway No One Knew Was There

My husband and I suspected that Myles would need another kidney transplant. We did all the things. We planned and prepared. But then things quickly took a turn for the worse. As I processed my confusion, fear and disappointment with the LORD, He lovingly assured me that He was fighting for Myles, and showed me that He had already gone before us.

Nurses: God's Ministering Angels

Nurses: God's Ministering Angels

In the past few months, some significant changes have happened with my son Ryan. God has not taken away Ryan's disability, nor the progression, but He continues to show us in little ways He is standing right beside Ryan.

Five Read Aloud Tips for Families

Five Read Aloud Tips for Families

God created humans to learn through stories. Jesus taught through parables for this very reason. When you read to your children, whatever their mix of abilities may be, and use these five read aloud tips for families, you are tapping into a highly effective, highly relational teaching tool.

Thanks for That (I Think)

Thanks for That (I Think)

Whether you have typically developing children or children with special needs, there are others who seem to have an answer for why your child is misbehaving, not talking or walking on time, or a myriad of other developmental or behavioral issues. All along the way, we tried to employ a few simple words and thoughts that helped us get through those “suggestions,” that may help you, too.

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

I am in a significantly depressed season. Maybe you’re like me. You can give at work, but you cannot give at home. Here are my favorite—and most effective—depression hacks, and I sincerely hope they help you.