Moms (and probably Dads, too) are constantly analyzing in the rearview mirror of life what we did right and wrong. I have worked very hard at being an intentional and “always there” mom. Due to that very fact, I have had much opportunity in our special needs life to make plenty of mistakes. Here are a few thoughts regarding my parenting that I did right (good) things, and some wrong (not so good) things!
She Calls for Me, I Call for Him
My daughter is a gifted communicator even though she rarely speaks in sentences. “Mom” is one word that has a multitude of meanings. There’s one version of my name that I hate hearing, the one that conveys to me that she is upset or scared. As she yells “mom,” I often cry out to God in those moments, too.
Remembering and Gratitude: Two Strategies to Strengthen Faith for Today
Uncertainty and Lack of Control: What's a Caregiver to Do?
Everything Old is New Again
One year after the pandemic began, there is still a great amount of fear and uncertainty involved in our daily lives. Reflecting on 2020, there were so many days and weeks that led me feel completely abandoned by God. So having ‘faith’ in God may seem like shallow words, when one is dealing with intense crisis and pain. But one thing that has helped me have faith is to reflect on those times when God showed up, even when I didn’t expect Him to. I had such an experience recently, where I found myself in a familiar place, having my faith tested very much as it has been in the past.