My husband and I sat down for our quiet time this morning, and neither of us was in the mood to pray. Why bother summed up our mood. Then I pull out Jesus' words in Matthew 11: Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Why I Shouldn't Justify My Fear
When Life Doesn't Go As Planned
Dear Exhausted, Wrung-out and Frazzled Mom
Finding Light In the Darkness: Refuge for the Weary
Sometimes we see our hope clearly in a brightly lit moon and joyfully anticipate the arrival of the sun. Other times, we have to remind our despairing selves that the sun is still there despite clouds or storms that hide it, or distractions like wind and lightning. The sun is still there. And so, we sing. Part 2 of the series, Finding Light in the Darkness.