Medically Fragile

20/20 Hindsight About Our Child with Special Needs

20/20 Hindsight About Our Child with Special Needs

In the early days of parenting our son, we couldn't imagine having 20/20 hindsight about our child with special needs. Nearly 38 years after the birth of our beautiful baby boy, hindsight reveals how his special needs diagnosis transformed us from a young, scared, and unsure couple into braver, confident parents. Here are five of the many means God used to complete the transition.

Thanking God For New Breath

Thanking God For New Breath

Sometimes there are no easy answers to the dilemmas we find ourselves in as parents of special needs kids. We do our best with what we know, and trust God with all that we do not know. One thing you can be very certain of: Faithful Father knows everything you’re going through.

When There's No Visible Exit from your Trial

When There's No Visible Exit from your Trial

The problem I seem to have in trials is that I want them over with quickly. The end of the trial seems to be the focus of my prayers. Then one day, a friend prayed with me in a way I never had.

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

No one can prepare you for what it’s like to be a witness of the continued struggle in your child, just to survive. There’s no chapter on that in the pregnancy books. There’s no guidebook for how to be a parent of the suffering. Or is there?

Why I Shouldn't Justify My Fear

Why I Shouldn't Justify My Fear

My daughter has been hospitalized many times for recurring lung infections. Now, whenever my daughter has a little cough, fear swells up in me. Surely, anyone in my situation would feel this same way. I try to justify it, but it doesn’t make such fear right.