I am exhausted, moody, yet eager to soak in what could be the last nice day of autumn. I hear Joel’s footsteps quicken and turn to see him approaching at a near-run. He grabs my hand, looks me in the eye, grins, and pulls me forward. I wait for him to drop my hand, as he always does, but instead he squeezes it and swings my arm, his grin widening at my delight. For a moment, it feels so right, his hand a perfect fit in mine.
Searching for The Sweet Spot in the Caregiving Dance
More Than Just A Parent - Part 3
Like many special needs parents, John Felageller has experienced times when medical or education professionals have treated his perspective on his son with special needs as less important and valuable than theirs. In this third post in his series, John addresses what may be the most difficult experience of all for special needs families: when you have struggles working with children's or special needs ministries. John offers valuable takeaways, including recognizing when you need to give back and serve others who are most in need.
3 Tips to Keep Social Skills Strong During Quarantine
For many special needs kids, they are more comfortable not socializing. I am concerned, as our social distancing and quarantine goes on for months, it will be difficult for many kids to transition back to socializing with more people, besides in the comfort of our own homes. Here are three things you can start now, to help your child not be too anxious or nervous to leave home, once we start getting back to ‘normal.’
20/20 Hindsight About Our Child with Special Needs
In the early days of parenting our son, we couldn't imagine having 20/20 hindsight about our child with special needs. Nearly 38 years after the birth of our beautiful baby boy, hindsight reveals how his special needs diagnosis transformed us from a young, scared, and unsure couple into braver, confident parents. Here are five of the many means God used to complete the transition.