My father, brother, and nephews possess much knowledge to grow soybeans, wheat, and corn, but some vital aspects of farming are out of their control. Similarly, my husband and I plan and plot care and opportunities for our daughter who has developmental disabilities, but there are some things out of our control. We wait, pray, hope, and support our daughter, until the time when we reap what we have sown into her as a child.
Four Steps to Help Make Difficult Decisions
There are an overabundance of decisions to make in life right now. For many people I know, school decisions are presently giving parents much to ponder. Some parents are admittedly terrified of making the wrong decision for their child. Here are four things that my husband and I do when we are faced with difficult decisions.
The Mask I Need to Stop Wearing
The cloth masks we wear to protect against COVID-19 obscure our faces. If people are smiling around me, I cannot tell. As soon as it is safe outside, I rip the facial mask off. I take a deep breath and feel instant relief. My state requires facial coverings while out in public, and I am not sure that I will ever get accustomed to them. But there are some invisible masks I am more than comfortable wearing.
Do Not Forget About At-Risk Families
Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day
February 14 is the date to celebrate love in the hearts of two people, and it’s also Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day. Initially, our daughter’s heart diagnoses came as a shock. My husband and I didn’t know how to process the diagnoses and the treatments. Years have passed, and we now have a healthier perspective. Today, I share three truths I discovered as a mom of a child with a CHD.