My daughter’s heart has never been normal. Throughout her life, Jaycee’s cardiologists have done their best to treat her heart defect. We tasked ourselves to cover Jaycee in prayer.
A Chance Encounter at Breakfast
How Can I Be Grateful for Disability?
The question seems ludicrous, even unfeeling when I consider what my father, son, and now my mother experienced due to disability. So how is it, the day after Christmas, that I am grateful for the disabilities that continue to bring sorrow, pain, and loss to our family? Upon reflection, I see the answer in the smiles of my father, my son, and now my mother.
How to Respond to Seasons of Waiting
Have you ever found yourself in a time of waiting? Maybe it was for test results, a health issue, your loved ones’ diagnosis, a job, marriage, or….? During that time of waiting, how did you respond? We do not always understand why we go through challenges and frustrating times of waiting but what we do have control over is our reaction to this waiting period.