
5 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong into the New Year!

5 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong into the New Year!

Kingdom Focus is what first comes to mind. Those of us who are married and have someone in our life with special needs for whom we have responsibility (often 24/7 and 365!) know that without focus, we are doomed. AND for those of us who are believers in Jesus, we add to that His Kingdom focus and our part in it.

For us, we have 5 top ways to work on our marriage and keep it strong. There are more, of course, but let’s not get overloaded!

A New Home

A New Home

It was a short, ten-minute drive from the hotel to the residential facility. I maintained composure while I navigated the busy public roads, and then residential streets. I had a whole range of emotions racing through my body, mind and spirit as we pulled into the campus. This was not just a pleasure drive or a routine errand, this was a significant milestone in the life of my son and our family.

Do We Follow the Word of God or the World?

Do We Follow the Word of God or the World?

The world might seem to have a lot to offer, but as it applies to the caring of a child or loved one with special needs, it offers us things that won’t make us happy and won’t deliver what we need. The world will always lack authenticity and the act of serving will not be very high on the rung of the ladder, by world standards.

Do I Trust Him?

Do I Trust Him?

As parents or caregivers of someone with special needs we often have hard seasons; times where “troubles assail us” as the hymn writer once wrote. Perhaps you have a ‘Plan B’ in your back pocket for unexpected situations or you have a mental list of who to call or where to get help when needed, but there are times when we don’t have an inkling of an idea of what to do next or how we can continue in the hard times. Our human nature wants to be in control and fix the situation and we find it hard to trust that “God’s got this” when the situation seems to have no end.

The Inspiring Giggle

The Inspiring Giggle

Evana Sandusky writes on her daughter’s joy, and how she is inspired to find joy and hope in her own situation.