I’ve been in ministry long enough to know that the prayers and time spent seeking God determine the outcome of ministry and special events. Everyone working in the space of special needs or mental health ministry needs to stay prayed up, in God’s Word, for guidance, wisdom, and protection. Make no mistake, the work of all special needs ministry, including ministry to and with people whose disability is revealed in behavior, is very much intertwined with the battle over whose life holds value. Anyone working in this space is on the front line of the battle between darkness and light.
Mental Health Ministry and The Platinum Rule
When my cat died, chewy.com showed great care and concern for my loss, even beyond the principles of the Golden Rule. Chewy went all the way to the Platinum Rule. And the Platinum Rule is how churches can make mental health ministry happen and be successful.
Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry
Janet Parshall issued a powerful call to the church to minister more effectively to persons with mental illness in this keynote presentation from Inclusion Fusion Live 2019, a national disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry. She identifies key biblical figures who experienced symptoms of mental illness, challenges church leaders to end their stigmatization of persons with mental health issues and pastors to begin addressing the topic in the course of their preaching.
Disability Doesn’t Stop Me From Giving God My Best. Neither Should The Church.
A Conversation About The Cost Of Special Needs Ministry
Four Essentials for a World-Changing Church
Why I Support Key Ministry
Pastors, Here’s how to be a shepherd to special needs families in your church.
Why the Home Group Model Is Hard for Special-Needs Families and How to Make It Easier
Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church
When church leadership is approached about the need to create environments that can serve the needs of the disability and special-needs community, the most common response is a lack of education and lack of resources. In other words, there is no room in the budget, no room in the mission, no room in the vision of the church, and no room for discussion about disability theology.