Medically Fragile

When the Grief of Disability Caregiving Threatens to Break You

When the Grief of Disability Caregiving Threatens to Break You

When the grief of caregiving pushes you to your breaking point, what can you do? Jolene Philo shares how she is learning to focus on today.

4 Irritating Things I am Thankful for this Year

4 Irritating Things I am Thankful for this Year

Thanksgiving reminds me to be grateful in all seasons of life. Over the years, there have been seasons when I have been overwhelmed and frustrated with the daily medical interventions. God gently reminded me that the very things that sometimes feel irritating are the things I should be grateful to have for my girl.

What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

I stood in the middle of a cornfield with my daughter, surrounded by brown cornstalks towering over our heads and the dry, dusty earth beneath us. I panicked for a moment. I was alone in a corn maze with my daughter, armed with my poor sense of direction to lead us out.

The Beauty of Disability

The Beauty of Disability

My pastor was introducing a new sermon series about beauty when four words took up residence in my mind: the beauty of disability. If we believe that all people are created in the image of God, that includes those with disabilities. Therefore, I believe in the beauty of disability.

How Can I Make You Feel Safe?

How Can I Make You Feel Safe?

Our job as caregivers, whatever the age of those in our care, is to make them feel safe. Which is why we should ask the same question every day–How can I make you feel safe?–and observe the words and behaviors of our loved ones, so we can create the secure environment they need.