by Mike George | Apr 30, 2018 | Challenges, Grief, Special Needs Parenting
Exactly one year ago this week my father marked his 100th birthday. Lots of family and friends attended his “party” to celebrate this huge milestone and to wish him well.My father’s good health and mental sharpness were certainly contributing factors to him becoming a...
by Stephen Grcevich MD | Apr 29, 2018 | Stories, Training Events
Our author with Dr. G Mary Schordock is a long-time member of our church who was serving as a volunteer at the conference. We had a large team of volunteers who were ferrying guests back and forth from the conference to their hotels and to the airport. Mary told me...
by Key Ministry | Apr 27, 2018 | Scripture, Special Needs Parenting, Spiritual Growth
“Which one are you going to choose? Let me guess your favourite” I said. T had chosen her children’s Bible as her bedtime book that night (very pleased Mummy, we don’t ‘make her’ read the Bible as it was just a battle ground. We just make sure there...
by Key Ministry | Apr 25, 2018 | Autism, Scripture, Special Needs Parenting
“Our son was cognitively disabled; I was now spiritually crippled. Both of us needed urgent and intensive intervention. But therapists only came for him.” Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery for the Special-Needs Parent A diagnosis of disability can strike...
by Joe and Cindi Ferrini | Apr 24, 2018 | Advocacy, Care and Support
Each of us is given something in life that challenges, stretches and stresses us and will eventually qualify us as some sort of expert. If you’re like me, whatever that area is, it’s not the area you’d have chosen to become the expert. I never thought...