by Key Ministry | May 30, 2018 | Challenges, Hope, Medically Fragile, Special Needs Parenting
This life of a special needs mom is full of what ifs. Early on with our girlie, the what ifs included“What if she dies?”“What if we can’t care for her?”“What if she ends up in the hospital?”“What if we can’t stop the seizures?”“What if we can’t feed her?” And...
by Key Ministry | May 28, 2018 | Autism, Challenges, Special Needs Parenting
It was about 3:00 in the afternoon and the school bus had just arrived. I ran outside in my sandals, without a jacket. After all, it’s spring. The only reason I didn’t run back inside after stepping out the door was the fact that the school bus driver had seen me and...
by Jolene Philo | May 25, 2018 | Challenges, Living Life Daily, Special Needs Parenting
“I’ve got a sinus infection,” I texted the friend who was picking me up at an unfamiliar airport in an unfamiliar town. “Do you have any antibiotics?””We’ve got your back,” she replied.She wasn’t kidding....
by John Fela (Felageller) | May 23, 2018 | Church, Hope, Special Needs Parenting
How is your faith today? It seems an odd question but I think a fair one to ask, especially since I believe we all have days of stronger and weaker faith in our lives. Maybe try this one, what kind of faith do you have right now, is it Sustaining Faith, or Mustard...
by Joe and Cindi Ferrini | May 22, 2018 | Care and Support, Families, Parents
I know enough about the military and sports to know that a point man is one who is on patrol or a leader who will lead at the front of the group (often exposing themselves as the first to enter into danger). They are also ones who are a principal spokesman or...