Whether we’re talking about our marriage relationship or relationships with friends, acquaintances or someone we’ve just met, I believe we have mastered the art of monologue and have no real idea how to have a genuinely sincere conversation. Here are ideas to help us to learn the “art of conversation” rather than the monotonous monologue we’re used to enduring or offering.
How Winnie the Pooh Can Help Answer Children's Questions About Special Needs
A question I get asked loads of times is this; “How can I explain special needs to children?” One suggestion I give to people trying to explain this to children is to gather them all together. Ask them what is different about each of them, compared to the rest of the group. It can also be helpful to think about popular children’s characters and discuss the differences between them. The characters in the A.A. Milne Winnie the Pooh stories offer a great example for younger children.
The Nature Cure
For the past three months, stress levels around the world skyrocketed as quarantined families hunkered down at home. How do we cope with the added stress? Over the past few months, I’ve been noticing many more families enjoying the forest. Turns out, a walk in the woods might be the best thing to do to beat back stress.