I serve as a special needs pastor at a small church in Kansas. I have had a mentally trying time for the last three months. It was on a particularly-defeated Sunday morning that I received the single greatest gift I’ve received all year.
Gifts Within Chronic Pain
I hurt all the time. I have an autoimmune condition that causes elevated levels of pain, fatigue, and brain fog. Recently, as I climbed the stage to preach, I knew I didn’t have the physical strength to do it. But there is something really cool about having chronic pain—and I am different than who I was before chronic pain. Here’s what God has done for me.
How the Annual Budgeting Process Can Grow Your Disability Inclusion Ministry
Why Ukraine? Part 3 of Linda's Story of How God Uniquely Equipped Her for His Purposes in Ukraine
Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?
Emma's Story: Sexual Abuse Trauma and the Process of Recovery, Part 2
This post is part 2 of our interview with “Emma,” a woman who endured years of sexual abuse by someone she knew. Read part 1 here. We share her experience in these posts to increase awareness of opportunities for abuse and provide prevention and recovery resources to parents and ministry leaders alike.
Emma’s Story: Sexual Abuse Trauma and The Process of Recovery, Part 1
Against All Odds - How God is Using Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome to Spread the Gospel - Part 2
By the numbers, Linda shouldn’t be here. Everything seemed to be stacked against her by worldly standards, and still seems that way. How could bullying, struggles with education, and psychiatric hospitalizations work for His plan? In part 2 of this series from Linda Bunk, see exactly how God is powerfully using all of these struggles to minister to people in Ukraine.