
Jesus Cares about the Small Things

Jesus Cares about the Small Things

I could almost hear the voice speaking into my heart. That was weird for me because I can count on one hand the number of times when God has spoken to me that manner. That simple truth—that Jesus cares about the small things—allowed me to comprehend the passage in a new light. And this new perspective can be applied to the very human endeavor of parenting children with special needs and disabilities.

Looking Back at 2020 from God’s Perspective

Looking Back at 2020 from God’s Perspective

It’s easy to come up with a list of challenges that took place in 2020. But Melanie Gomez learned some important insights about remembering 2020 in the way God instructed the Israelites, as they entered the Promised Land.

How God Used A Familiar Scripture to Refocus My Struggling Heart

How God Used A Familiar Scripture to Refocus My Struggling Heart

2020 was a traumatic year for a lot of us—a year when plans fell apart, certainties became uncertain, and many of us transitioned into new roles we didn’t expect or want. So how do we, as special needs parents, regain our footing so we can move forward with a renewed sense of clarity and peace?

What Did Mary Worry About?

What Did Mary Worry About?

Gasp and sacrilege! How dare I entertain the idea of the mother of God worrying about the divine child entrusted to her care. Until I remember that, though this baby boy was fully divine and fully human, his mother was not. Instead of asking What did Mary worry about?, maybe this is what I should ask instead: What did Mary, a human mom like me and you, do with her worries?

The Slow Process of Building Houses and Hearts

The Slow Process of Building Houses and Hearts

Building a house is a slow process. But edification, building relationships, is a similar slow process. While we use lumber, nails and bricks when building a house, we build one another up word-by-word, and affirmation-by-affirmation.