The Lord’s Prayer and Special-Needs Parenting

The Lord’s Prayer and Special-Needs Parenting

As I was sat in church last Sunday morning, enjoying the opportunity to relax and be in the congregation for a change, we reached the part of the service that is included every week, a part that is so well known that we don’t really need the words to be provided—the...
Arrow Prayers at the Ready

Arrow Prayers at the Ready

It is that time of year again, exam time!With all of our three children presently in mainstream schooling it’s unavoidable, this term in the UK is all about the academic testing. And this year for the first time it is affecting all of them, and for our oldest it is a...
Family and Church Support … and Beyond

Family and Church Support … and Beyond

Having two grown daughters willing and able to help (periodically and more long term) with Joey (their brother, our son) with special needs has been such a great blessing. Because of the training they’ve received within our home, they’ve not only helped us immensely...