Mental Health

4 Ways to Reduce Summer Caregiving Fatigue

4 Ways to Reduce Summer Caregiving Fatigue

Summer with my family is a nice break from all the school year hustle and bustle. It’s a time to slow down and enjoy more family time. Then again, summer brings its own challenges. Here are some tricks I’ve learned in the past few years that help me stay mentally in a better place for a peaceful summer day.

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

I am in a significantly depressed season. Maybe you’re like me. You can give at work, but you cannot give at home. Here are my favorite—and most effective—depression hacks, and I sincerely hope they help you.

Are You Called to Confront or Connect?

Are You Called to Confront or Connect?

Whether it’s with my neighbors, the people with whom I minister; my family, my friends, the people with whom I disagree, or people I just don’t really care for, I realize that I need to be mindful of my directive: to sincerely want and need to CONNECT more than I want to CONFRONT. Here are some quick and easy steps for each of us to consider and when to take action.

Uncertainty and Lack of Control: What's a Caregiver to Do?

Uncertainty and Lack of Control: What's a Caregiver to Do?

If uncertainty and lack of control—whether as a caregiver or for a completely different reason—are sending you reeling, sit for a minute. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself a question.

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

You, much like Esther, were born in this century, in this world, for such a time as this. Your location is not happenstance. It is no coincidence you have the passion and the heart you do. Here are four steps to following God’s leading as you step into disability inclusion ministry.